Sunday, April 28, 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024 (Dostana)

Watching a movie again after a long time can make you see it in a new perspective, like meeting an old friend and discovering new things to like about them. I recently watched a film that I saw in 2009 last time. It's called "Dostana," and I noticed how great it is in ways I didn't understand when I was younger. As I've grown up, I've started to understand movies better and see why they're special. Let me talk about what's great about this movie.

Dostana" has a ordinary story that is presented in a unique way. It mixes surprises and humor that fits naturally. The jokes are not awkward; they fit perfectly into the story, making us laugh for real, not just because we should. The dialogues in the movie are suitable; they're not cringe at all which is common in the movies now a days. However, that's not the highlight of the film.

But what really stands out are the songs in the movie. They fit perfectly into the story, making it feel more emotional. "Kuch Kam" is full of feelings, and "Jane Kyu" and "Khabar Nahi" are catchy too. All the songs add to the movie's appeal by mixing music with storytelling in a lovely way.

But apart from the music and comedy, "Dostana" does a great job showing how important friendship is. The strong bond between the three main characters shows how lasting friendships are valuable. Seeing their friendship grow and stay strong through tough times feels real to viewers. This genuine portrayal of friendship makes "Dostana" different from other movies that just show friendships on the surface.

In a time when there are lots of movies coming out, "Dostana" reminds us how important relationships and real friendships are. It has great music, real jokes, and a captivating story that make it a classic that people still love, no matter when they watch it.



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