Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday, April 04, 2024 (Observing unusual weather patterns)

During my early years, I experienced extremely cold weather, and the winter season seemed to last much longer than it does now. Nowadays, it's becoming more common to have rainy days in December or January. Additionally, summers are becoming increasingly harsh. These observations are based on my personal experiences rather than information from any source.

Changes will not happen soon for developing countries as we encounter challenges with basic necessities on a daily basis. By the time we realize the full extent of the situation, it will be too late. We often prioritize fulfilling short-term needs and overlook the long-term consequences.

Everything we learn in school and college is restricted to our textbooks. In real life, our focus often shifts to mere survival.





(Note: I use ChatGPT to improve my sentence structure, but the ideas are mine, with ChatGPT helping me make them better.)

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