Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday, December 02, 2016

Depression is the stage of feeling tensed for some unfavorable situations. Depression is not bad. It intends me to think more and more. A happy brain never works properly and a depressed or tensed brain works faster.  Though it generates wrong decision at that time, it makes a set of ideas. We just need to select the right one and to follow it without expecting a higher result. I always set up my mind to be depressed by any fact. When I am depressed, I become a problem solver. After solving it, I need one more reason to be depressed. Feeling satisfied is not actually satisfactory but feeling depressed is quiet satisfactory. I need a feeling of unstable, uneasy and troubled.

Depression may be your weakness but it is strength for me.
Everything seems eye-catching from far. But same thing must not be attractive in the close angle.

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