Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday, December 30, 2016

The year is almost over and this year has taught me many things about life.  Sometimes, everything was quiet shining. Sometimes, everything was dull. I faced new people, new places, new relations, new friends and new experiences. 

I have few new friends this year. Most of them are my colleagues. I have developed a quality of talking with others and my wife encouraged me to do it. Now, I am better in gossiping. Becoming a talkative person is not bad either. 

I didn’t like to travel much until 2015. But the scenario is quiet opposite now. There were too many new places that I have visited this year. Getting company allowed me many things to do and traveling was one of them. 

Facing interview is the fearful thing for me that I have faced 3 times. My brain becomes out of control whenever it gets indication to be observed. I talk like a mute person and believe strange. I was nervous and remained nervous at the first interview. Somehow I faced one of my biggest fears. In the second time, I was also nervous but funny coincident happened that diversified my mind and I was comfortable. 

Same thing happened in my engagement that I was nervous but I had relaxed myself with companion of friends. I got a job which is very small but I have started my career finally. I was very anxious at the start and eventually I am comfortable now. I take time to create a base for a long term plan but after creating base, the field is mine to play any game. 

I was busy now and then but I never skipped playing Clash of clans or writing blogs. My town hall is in 11th now. I am trying to develop it more and more though I get little time to play it. Similarly I played online chess and 8 balls. Watching movies and crime petrol was the weekly program of mine. Most importantly I gave too much time to someone for who I was happy all the year. And your companion was the most special thing for me. I shared happiness as well as sadness with you. Doing many things in the same time does allow you to be an expert in one sector but you must be happy to do all the things in the same time.

The biggest shock of the year that I got was in March. When I needed help, a person assured me to guide me. He helped people in the matter which was not ethical but helping me was impossible for him. And I got a lesson that the most helpful person must not be helpful for you often. 

All in all, the year provided every element. Whenever some things were wrong in the life, I believed that I deserved it. Whenever I got some things more, I believed that Allah gave me more than what I deserved.

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