Saturday, January 13, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A funny incident happens today. I was on the way of my work station and I hired a boat to cross the river and to reach KamrangiChar. It is not my regular root. I am used to changing my roots because same things happening again and again make me feel bored. I change my root after a regular interval. This habit developed during my childhood.

Everything is uncleared due to heavy fog at 7.30 Am. When I was in boat, I could not see anything more than 10 meters far. I took some pictures and waited to reached the opposite side of the river. After a while, I felt that the journey was longer than the previous day. Normally it takes 5 minutes but It took 10 minutes. Then I saw a ghat that was not the expected one. Because I reached the place from which I started my journey.

Human brain can be easily manipulated by various factors. When everything is uncleared, a professional person may do a mistake even though he has been doing the same thing for years. 

My brain is always manipulated by extraneous facts that are not related with ongoing works. But I still try to minimize those manipulation.

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