Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

Sometimes, our creation & idea are stolen by others. In the same time, the thief does not hide his bad deed .But they show those things the way that the creation is made by them first. The saddest part is that the world also recognizes them for stolen things. Because they show off themselves too much that people can identify the creator.

This tendency disturbs me for some days. But I know that someday the situation will change, sometime the clouds will move and the sun will appear.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sometime, pain is needed for realizing the situation. But only an actionable realization can make the situation better. Otherwise, pain becomes habit and fate. Frustration and depression are not bad things but those are assets. Realizing depression and frustration without reasons make those valueless. Those must be stored in order to using on right time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

There is always a confusion in life about far and near things.

Near objectives can be closely observed. We can easily identify good and bad characteristics in it but we try to figure out the negative aspects rather than the positive aspects. Especially I who never consider the positive one and always try to figure out all the possible negative scenarios. Planning to defend these situations becomes a habit. More than 98% plans remains unexecuted because these situations rarely happens. There is still some Occasions in which I execute my plans.

Similarly we assume about the far things which can not be observed closely. Many data are just assumptions. But our mind always find the possible positive things in it. Our mind always set up positive for the  things which are far away from us. We think rarely about the negative sides of far things. 

Thinking about negative sides or thinking about positive sides don't matter. In fact, one should think about both sides in order to taking steps to make a better situation. But only taking positive sides from one and only taking negative sides from another make a wrong assumption for sure.