Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 (Effort and Expectation)

There are many quotations that we hear or see in various places. Whenever I see a useful quotation, I try to follow it. Because it gives motivation, inspiration and a new way of life. I heard a quotation from my HRM teacher, Abu Nur Isa, that was “work more and expect less”. I follow it as I expect much lower than my input. In Fact, I often don’t care about result and greatly focus on the task assigned for me. I always psychologically prepare to accept any low result in my side. Because I believe that I deserve the lowest one. But Allah always gives me a better thing. Maybe someone’s prayer is with me. For me, winning a big battle is not important but winning many small battles is a matter. And I am actually happy to get an unexpected better thing.

Small steps are safer than long steps in long run

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