Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 (Habit)

From a few days, I started thinking about habits
Basically what is a habit?

A habit is a daily activity that is hard to give up. We easily get habits of many things. Infact I started reading a book named “Power of Habit” that I have not finished yet. But I am learning many things. In this book, it is written that there are 3 components of a habit. Those are

  • Clue: Trigger to remember the habit.
  • Routine: To observe the activity.
  • Reward: Getting Benefit in form of getting satisfaction for the completion of activity.

We can change a habit with another one (activity) if the clue and reward are same. Basically we consider 2 types of habits. One is good habit and other is bad habit.

In case of a good habit, it is very hard to be adopted most of the time in the first place. In the second place, it will not last longer. It means “It is hard to get but easy to lose”.

On the other hand, we easily adopt habits easily & quickly which are bad for us. But leaving those habits are real task. So, it is very easy to adopt but hard to leave.

Basically having bad habits are not bad until your bad habits start dominating against your good habits. Sometimes, new bad habits can replace the good one. Any habit that destroys the good habit must be ignored.

I have noticed that my bad habits are dominating against good habits. As a result, good habits are losing its place. So, there is a place to think and rethink for identifying the right one. Just remembering a previous good habit is not an ideal task but thinking how to regain it is a real task.

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