Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019 (Life has no undo option)

I have seen a post “Life has no undo option” in my facebook new feeds.

It is a known fact for almost all of us. We hear this and often we say this to others. But we never try to explain it clearly. In fact, we never try to explain a matter. We just take everything lightly and have no curiosity to understand all the facts. Only exam forces us to explain any theory but life is the biggest exam. 

Life has no undo option. When a decision or move is executed, no one can reverse the move. In case of failure, we wish we were at that stage again and took the right decision. Practically it is not possible to reverse the time. Similarly, well-planned strategy may become unsuccessful. What should we do???? 

(we react like this and become frustrated)

I am a big fan of Marvel movies and I have watched all their movies. In a movie, called Dr. Strange, there is a time stone and the hero can see all the possible future results. Every result is just a possibility of happening a certain thing. We don’t have time and it is impossible to predict all the possibilities for us at the same time. But we can predict 2 possibilities at least. One is the most favorable situation and another one is the most unfavorable situation of executing an action. 

 (using time stone to see the possibilities)

To take an important decision, most of us only think about the positive result and never consider the negative result. We consider most favorable result & least favorable result and forget about most unfavorable and least unfavorable result. We should the rules of “work less and expect more” though we should follow the concept of “work more and expect less”. It is greatly recognized that people expect more than their capacity. It is the prime source of depression in life. 

 (Ofcourse we do not have time stone to predict 14,000,605 possibilities but still we can predict two outcomes of an important decision)

Once I was highly depressed for everything in my life but I am thankful to Allah for realizing me that life is something else than my assumption. My assumption was not right from my birth to 2017 and I have realized it after 2018. Every negative result can be converted into a positive result by processing it. In the history of human civilization, it happened many times. Microwave oven, Super glue, X-ray machine and more on were invented accidentally. In case of human history, some destructive wars made ways to explore more and more. If the Second World War did not happen, our knowledge about space would have been limited now. 

Finally, Life has no undo option but we can assume most probable possibilities of an important decision. Emotion is our main problem while taking a decision. If I evaluate all the possibilities, I will not say this in future.We must consider both favorable and unfavorable outcomes.

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