Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 (starting every from the beginning)

It's more than 10 months now that I am not in actual work. But the long boring break is over today. I have joined Duronto TV in Accounts department today after having one written exam (on 01.11.19) and 3 vivas (5.11.19, 12.11.19, 15.11.19). 

Life is not tolerable for me without any form of goal. To make an ultimate goal, working is the prime source.

Though I have started everything from the beginning, I don't feel unsatisfied. Because I don't have fear to repeat an event. Repeating an event will make it more perfect sometimes with correcting the mistakes.

If I am honest and focused on my path, the magic will happen again. But patient is needed in order to making it own joy. 

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