Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sometimes things go wrong and sometimes things go worse. But things go epic wrong for me today. Well, I am little disappointed and frustrated.  It is wrong to say little disappointed and frustrated. I am heavily disappointed and frustrated. May be things could be better if I follow logical path or real way.

And it is quite impossible to take revenge because it is quite impossible to take revenge with myself.
At the same time, I have tried to figure out my mistakes and to get the proper answer of the question.

I am disappointed and frustrated and I always try to ask “why” and to figure out the reasons. Most of the persons may not ask “why”. Those who ask “why”, rarely figure out the reasons. 

But I analyze facts and factors to find out the solution.  I believe “whenever there is a solution, the solution is nearby”. I know I can not alter the past but I can prepare myself to avoid making same mistakes again and again. Future is unpredictable but we should evaluate, analyze and estimate  it to reduce unpredictable range.

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