Friday, January 17, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (Facing an awkward situation)

Some people are aggressive which is normal. After all, society also needs aggressive persons to accomplish the goals related to the society. I don't have any hard feeling about them. I always respect other's point of view until they harm me or others. Similarly, most of us don't analyze anything which we see or read. I don't have any complain against them either. But many people spread it without finding the truth. By the way,

What is the truth????

When anything is in his favor, it becomes truth for him. We try to show truth which we want to be rather than it's actual form. Sometimes, we show only selective information to make an event real and hide some parts of event.

When an aggressive person spread an illogical fact without analyzing it, I have objection against him. Because he / she always tries to impose all of his / her illogical thoughts on the society. And society has also no time to analyze it so that an illogical thing will be established.

Superstition is made in the same process and it was made before today and it will be made day after today until we don't analyze everything.

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