Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday, March 29, 2020 (Pandemic)

Bangladesh is a strange country and I knew the fact. Things are proved against that most of the people do not focus on the main point. They always have interest on secondary things rather than the primary things. There are too many superstitions and blank brief among us. I don’t have any objection against anyone’s brief. It is one’s choice to have blank or incomplete brief but hurting or hampering others is not tolerable due to those blank or incomplete brief or superstitions. 

I know most of the people have no idea about microscopic life in our country. Even though most of the educated persons have very little knowledge about it and it makes the problem more critical as they don’t give proper answer to others. Because they study to get degree only rather than knowledge. Similarly, their act also has a negative impact to the society. 

So, the third world war has started between human and virus. In one side, there is human being and in the other side, there is COVID-19. The virus is very contiguous and can be transferred human to human which make it more dangerous. The government of Bangladesh has declared a 10 days general holiday to spend time at home for avoiding public gathering. The decision is very appreciable for sure. But people think it an Eid Holiday and start going their hometown. As a result, there are mass gathering. So, the ultimate target is not understood by people and the result of it can hamper all of us. Equally, there is a group of people in our society who don’t care about that pandemic treat. 

Moreover, expatriates also think that they will spend the whole time with family in Bangladesh as a holiday. They must stay foreign countries now but they arrived somehow. And they did not follow the home quarantine order either. For this, they made real treat for us. 

Basically Corona Virus is a group of viruses and COVID-19 is a type of Corona Virus. More 650,000 persons are infected and more than 33,000 persons died by this virus until 29.03.2020. It is also declared as pandemic. .

“The COVID-19 virus affects different people in different ways.  COVID-19 is a respiratory disease and most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment.  People who have underlying medical conditions and those over 60 years old have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death.
Common symptoms include:

  • ·         Fever
  • ·         Tiredness
  • ·         Dry cough.

Other symptoms include:

  • ·         Shortness of breath
  • ·         Aches and pains
  • ·         Sore throat

·         And very few people will report diarrhea, nausea or a runny nose.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should self-isolate and contact their medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice on testing and referral. People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention.”**
“To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:

  • ·         Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
  • ·         Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
  • ·         Avoid touching your face.
  • ·         Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • ·         Stay home if you feel unwell.
  • ·         Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
  • ·         Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.”**

All the countries face trouble to handle this pandemic and they have very limited scope to make the situation favorable. If the same thing happen in our country, the result will be worst. The main problem of us is that we don’t want to follow the instruction. It is totally our fault to have that type of mentality. Similarly, we don’t focus on main thing but we focus on secondary or unnecessary things. For-Example: When a patient of COVID-19 is found, we should make distance from that person but people gather in front of his house to see him. 

This time, we need to be antisocial rather than to be social. Distant makes the situation better. After all, we will save us and others from us. J

** Note: Quoted lines are collected from

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