Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 (New Year)

Today is 14th April and it is the first day of the year of Bangla Calendar. Every year the day is celebrated with joys and various program but the scenario is totally different this year. There are no programs or events. 

Of Course, the reason behind it is obviously Corona virus crisis. The impacts of it will exist for a long period of time. But the day after long period of time will be beautiful. There will be public gathering, no restrictions on movement. 

I hope that the crisis moment will end up quickly and the nation will return on it's original form. 😊😊

By the way, it's also my father's birthday. He was born on this day in 1952. So what we lost our connection in this world, one day we will meet. Happy Birthday Abbu. 

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