Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saturday, April 25, 2020 (Staring the month of Ramadan during the period of quarantine)

So, it's the first day of Ramada-2020 but everything is not usual like other years. Every year, the day starts like a festival but the scenario is totally different year this. There is no iftar shop this year. Infact, there is also restriction on "Tarabi" Prayer. 

Many initiatives are taken but it is not implemented properly. People still go outside with or without needs. We don't properly understand the concept of quarantine. 

Today, I have visited my work station and it is approximately empty. Only 10/12 persons are there. 

Though I am fasting, the feeling of fasting is not same as previous years. Life is like a jail now. But the scenario will change one day which every will be normal. 

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