Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020 (During the period of quarantine, part-3)

Every thing is ready to start again. In fact, many organizations like manufacturing section are permitted to run their business and they also have started their business activities. Similarly, some restaurants are also allowed to open and they have opened their restaurants. By seeing those information, one may think that we have made a victory again COVID-19. But reality is something else. Government says that USA or Europe have decided to break the quarantine very soon and we are also ready for breaking quarantine. But there is a declining trend in USA or Europe. The number of patients is increasing day by day in our country. 

Is it a great decision to open all now???? 

Well, one may argue that quarantine Kills people by the lack of foods as most of the people live below the poverty line. Reality is that quarantine will kill poor for sure. Most of us don't have saving and quarantine stops us from earning money. 

Similarly, breaking quarantine will result in dieing random people. But the number will be huge. Because we don't have too much medical facilities to handle it. 

I don't know what the best solution is. But it's not the right time to break quarantine as the number of cases is increasing every day. 

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