Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Friday, January 07, 2017 (A Life changing experience)

I registered my Facebook account on that day in 2010. I had always a desire to explore a step more than what I had already explored. To fulfill the desire, I started the journey of Facebook where I could say everything easy. I was interested to make foreign friends in the initial stage of Facebook life. I would like to know anomalous people, their culture, their culture, their activities and their desires. 

Facebook maybe considered an unnecessary thing for many people but it is a life changing experience for me. I spent more than one of 4th of my life (in last 7 years) with Facebook. 

I talk everything clearly in writing and I am quiet open-minded. If there was no Facebook, all my emotions would end without expressing those. 

I got too many friends. Some of them are casual, some of them are special, and some of them are only for showoff. I never irritate to add anyone. I want to add everyone who is known to me. It allows me to explore more about their life and I try to be honest always.

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