Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 (days during quarantine, part-04)

Minutes are becoming hours, hours are becoming days and days are becoming months now. I can see that most of us become frustrated or bored due to lockdown. By the way, lockdown is just a title in our country now. Reality is that there are too much cars and crowd in the roads. 

Similarly, the government has taken decision to open every thing step by step and they already allowed germants to continue their operation in a time when the rate of infected persons are raising day by day. At the same time, shopping malls are going to be opened on 10th day. 

If the lockdown continues for a long time, it will definitely collapse our economy. But the question is that "is it right time to open every thing???".

I don't know what the government should do. But it is not right time to do it from my point of view. We should not blame our government either as the citizens of the country are not conscious about the concern. If they follow the instructions prescribed by the government, corona virus can be removed easily. Similarly, whenever government has taken a strict step to succeed the lockdown, people start criticizing the step. People think emotionally and they don't use logic which is the biggest drawback in our country. 

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