Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023 (About Dunki)



I have watched another First day first show and it is Dunki at this time. I was highly interested for the movie as there will not be any movie starring SRK next year. 

I waked up early in the morning and checked frequently whether it would be released today or not. Some barriers are always created when an Indian movie is set to released. Fortunately, a confirmation was made in the evening ensuring about it's release. Therefore, I quickly booked the tickets. 

The movie was about illegal migration for a better life without knowing the proper details. The first half of the movie was very entertaining and had some emotional moments too. Dunki was a full ride of emotions in the other half. 

The movie was amazing. There was perfect balance of emotion and comedy. I saw a lot of comedy movies in the last few year and most of them are forced comedy. But Dunki provided situational comedy which i liked most. 

Delivering a noble massage in an entertaining way is a filed of Raju Hirani and He did the same thing with that movie. Though Dunki is much better than most of the comedy movies released at present, It is not his best work at all.

SRK acted his best and he was just amazing in his role. Obviously, it is not his best acting ever but it is one of them. Vicky Kaushal nailed it. Other characters were very well. 

Songs were not seem to be forced at all. Moreover those songs were blended perfectly with the ongoing situations. 

In conclusion, It is that type of movie for which i love SRK. It shows emotions, feeling and love which can not be done by any random actor. The movie is a complete package of entertainment, emotions with raising an important issue.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Wedness day, December 06, 2023 (A day of heart breaking)

Relationship is a complex thing either between human and human or between human and animal. I can still remember the day when I saw you first time with your mom and siblings. I know I never touch you but a emotional connection was always between us. It was you my cat. Though you are no more, I will never forget you. I tried many time to keep you near me. Though my attempt was unsuccessful, you always connected to me with your emotions. The last night, I felt very sad and today I have broken. You had much more higher emotions than I have. I will meet one, maybe hereafter. :( 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 (about Tiger 3)

I don't understand why a section of people has shown excuses about the failure of Tiger 3. They tried to show that Diwali was not a good period to generate good numbers at box office. Moreover, ICC world cup destroyed the collection of the movie.

The story of the movie is not bad at all. Overall setup of the story is good enough and Salman's performance was surprisingly better. There were many actions screens and some are very good specially the opening screen. The second half was much better than first half. So, what's the problem?

The main problem was the direction of the movie and the presentation of everything. I can not feel any emotion about the movie in most of the time. Additionally most of the actions were half baked for sure. Thus I never got excited during any action screen in the movie. The story profession was very slow in the first half and I forced myself to watch it due to lack of interesting events. The guest appearance of SRK was completely worst.

At box office, It got average responses but the leading actor of the movie claimed about unfavorable situations for defeating the failure. I never see any 'A-Listed' Bollywood actor who gives justification of failure of his movie.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday, 03 November, 2023 (Memories of Unmesh)

(A typical day in my desk)

Focusing on a particular task becomes a nightmare in some cases. I was over involved in a work that had suffered me very badly. It was in 2017 on the month of August when there was too much pressure of work. I did not take any weekend for 21 days. I was quite saddened as my father passed away last month before the month. The pressure of work was extremely high and I got little time to relax myself. Someday I left the home around 7.00 AM and return home over 10:00 PM.

Moreover, I had exam on the same period of time. As a result, I was not sound mentally. I slept in the same room with my nephews. One night i had waked up suddenly and starting asking to give me the "voucher". I did not realized that i was in house and it was mid night. 

I survived a lot of hard working conditions in my life that I never feel disappointed with any situation now. Though failure always exists in my life, I always enjoy the period of struggling. It is the most beautiful days when I am facing difficulties in order to hoping about better tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednessday, 25 October, 2023 (About Jawan)

It is now more than one month ago. I saw Jawan First day First in Theater that was release on 7 September. I had always a dream to see an SRK's movie in theater first day first show and dream came true. I was highly excited about the movie as teaser and trailer were outstanding. But I had doubt about it's release in Bangladesh. As a result, news papers were very frequently visited by me. I went to theater to book my book as soon as the news broken about it's release. 

About Jawan

The movie started with an outstanding action screen and continued with trills, emotions, actions and twist. The story is very common about corruption, revenge and more on. But the presentation and background music make it something out of the box. 

It was approximately 2 hours and 48 minutes movie but I did not feel bored at all. Even I wanted to see more and more. Definitely, The director did his job very nicely. The praises of director is must. 

It was not just a MASHALA MOVIE without any logic. Yes, there were many over the top screens and they also tried to make everything realistic in the same time. Overall the screen play and actions were topnotch.

SRK is the life of this movie and It is definitely his one of the top performances ever in this life time. He played 2 roles in which his older version was the best. NayanThara was nice with her limited screen time. Vijay Setupathi was badass as a villain. However, Deepika Padukon nailed it with her 15 min screen time. She proves that small role can have a huge impact with acting skill. 

Songs were average and I feel it would have been better. Surprisingly, Songs are suitable within the movie. Aftermath, Songs were enjoyable while watching movie.

Theater experience was amazing. Almost all the people inter acted including shouting, whistling, crabbing etc. which made all the moments enjoyable. As a result, I enjoyed a lot and previously the most entertaining movie was OM SHANTI OM for me. But this movie is much more higher than that.

Finally, My expectations about the movie were high and the movie gave me some than my expectations. Every entry screen of SRK is just out of the box. Story is simple but screen play and presentation are excellent. Songs are okay but background music especially during action. All the credit goes to the director for making it. I saw it in theater 3 times as a whole. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (Familiar weather)

The weather has shown it's conceited as there is a dusty scenario all over. A yellowish ton of color has been accepted by the nature. Everything takes preparation for hard days. However I feel quite familiar with the look of environment. 

In fact, I can remember 2009 and 2010 when there are too many memories of that period. Overall, the winner is in the door now.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023 (After a long period of time)

 It is more than 2 months now when my last blog was published. Due to preparation of IELTS, some personal problems, sickness and other issues, I took a break from blogging. However, I thought about writing a blog in every week. Because there were many things that had happened. I have been trying to fix up everything for few days.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Monday, August 7, 2023 (Ideology)

Ideology expresses a collection of ideas, opinions, thoughts, and perspectives believed by a specific group of individuals or an institution. Numerous ideologies existed throughout the world such as capitalist, communist, individualism and more on. 

Generally individuals follow one or multiple ideologies at the same time. There is nothing wrong on it. Because everyone has the right to choose their own way of living. We must remember that there is always two sides of a coin. We should take into account the negative aspects of an ideology. Because when we intend to embrace an ideology, I often focus solely on its positive aspects and overlook the potential negative impacts.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023 (A probable answer of a common question)

I observe one thing time to time that I miss my past incident or remember someone or miss someone very rarely. Definitely it is true statement for me. There are 2 main reasons behind it.

Firstly, I am future oriented rather than past oriented person. I always think about six months, one year or even five year later events. 

Secondly, I am too much busy with my present that I actually don't have time to think about the past in many cases. Because I find out something or some activities while spending my leisure time. Basically I don't like to interact with people too much as I am an introvert in nature. But it does not mean that I don't talk with anyone or rarely talk with anyone. I like to talk with people but only about important matters. When I get some time, I grow up a new hobby. So, there are very few moments when I think about or remember or miss someone. And I never regret myself for my this outlook. 

As a result, it can be very difficult for me to remember anyone. I don't have any less emotional attachment with anyone. Because I am very much emotional and become attached very quickly. I just don't get too much time to think. :)

Friday, July 21, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023 (A joker can be a hero)

Sometimes I troll people for their choice of life or the way of their living. But a joker is better than many elites who do not have options to say even a word towards truth. We live in an era where words should be selected carefully in order to getting troubled. A joker stands at that time which makes him a hero. Definitely I respect him for his stance.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023 (Over hype of Freelancing part-2)

A freelancer must have Patience, Explorer of new works, Fluency in English, to cope up with new trends, problem solver, opportunistic and Fast learner. 

Patience: A freelancer must have patience and it is the key component at present. Maybe there is no work for months but he or she needs to stay online regularly. It is the barrier which the most of the new comers fail to overcome. We need quick success and don't want to spend a lot of time on a specific sector. As a result, most of the new comers (who want to become a freelancer) quit due to lack of patience. 

Explorer of new works: Most of us don't want to explore more. We just try to copy others and hope to become successful. But it is definitely not the right thing. We need to explore other options. For example: If Mr. x is a graphics designer and expert in designing business card, He can also provide services for letter head.
Fluency in English: It is very sad that Graduated persons (in most cases) are also not fluent in English in our country. So, There is always a communication gap between a freelancer and his or her client. Though there are many tools right now, A freelancer must have proper knowledge about English. 

To cope up with new trends: Freelancing is a very trendy thing. Without following trends, it will be impossible to explore more opportunities. To get the opportunities, we always try to cope up with those trendy things. 

Problem solver: A freelancer gets different requirements given by the clients and he need to be a problem solver in order to fulfilling those requirements. Otherwise, he or she can not retain clients. 

Opportunistic: There are many works and there are too much competitions in many sectors and others remain less competition. So, a freelancer must be opportunist to explore new markets.

Fast Learner: Fast learning is a key point because technology is improving rapidly. So, fast learner will get advantage of first mover.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023 (Over hype of Freelancing part-1)

I have been seeing a lot of posts in various social media platform about the success of freelancer. Those pages are telling about their quick success, huge income and more on. There is a trend of glamorizing the journey of successful freelancer. And they also try to prove that it is very easy to earn money. 

But what are their benefits on it??? 
Basically, they are just showing good things about freelancing to inspire other to do freelancing. And they are selling their courses. If an institute sells courses to 50,000 students, they will earn minimum 100 crores. Similarly, I have seen many freelancers who sell courses. Freelancers have no time to sell courses and they may have no clients or their services are out of date. As a result, They have started selling courses.

In my opinion, it is not wrong to inspire someone about anything. But it is ethically wrong that you are showing only positive sides of a thing & ignoring negative sides of the same thing or you are showing just success stories and ignoring all the failed attempts. Similarly, Those institutes are selling dreams (their marketing is not ethical at all), not course. I have objections on it.

Medias also glorify freelancers due to high viewership on those type of contents. All parties are benefited expect students (most of, not all).

Bangladesh is a heavily populated country and people are heavily influenced by the trend. Once there was a trend of BBA & MBA so that most of the students did it. Now, the value of BBA & MBA is not as same as previous. Because there are a lot of BBA and MBA degree holders who can work at a cheap price and similarly the number of organizations has not increased much as compared to increased in the number of degree holders. 
If someone has started learning graphics design, he or she will give at least 1 year to get proper still. 6 months courses are not good enough to learn everything properly. To become a successful freelancer, you need to spend more than 1.5 years. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023 (feeling incomplete)

For some days, I have been feeling depressed. It is because of Don movie. The movie was an emotion for me. I was in school when the first part was released and I was in university when the second part was released. I liked everything in this series like action, story, trills, dialogue. But I liked most the acting of SRK, the screen present of SRK as don. I have been waiting for next part since 2011. Right now, the scanario is that SRK will not do it. So, it is the end of this series with SRK. And it is one of the best character in Hindi cinema for me. Sometime things don't go as per plan but it is okay. Because it is called life.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday, May 07, 2023 (A day with memories )

Today, I have stopped everything including Fiverr, and other freelancing platforms for few days. There is no extra tension about work or pressure. As a result, I can easily remember many things that happened in my life in 90s or early 2000s. I can remember the day when I slept in open sky, I swam in the river, I saw how to visible star in the sky, I went to school first time. I recently became very thoughtful. 

When everything is stopped in the life, we can realize about our past, our memories, our mistakes, our success and more on. In order to realizing about life, we need breaks. Otherwise, there will be no time to take any action when we will realize it in the last hour. :)

Friday, May 5, 2023

Friday, May 05, 2023 (Changinh climate)

The Month of Ramadan is over and I would feel that it was the harder fasting month in my whole life. The weather was very much warm. When I was a kid, I read many things about global warming or changing climate etc. I did not care about those. In fact, no one really cared about this at that time. But those are quite visible right now. People never consider about long term benefits or long term vision. 

The main advantage of our country is our weather from ancient time but we have been destroying it by various activities. And it will be a catastrophic situation if we don't change our mind. There were a lot of water pounds near by my place. Right now, it is hard to find a water pound.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (looped life)

Life has become a looped animation. Everything has been happening in a routine manner. I do same thing every day. And same thing happens in everyone's life. That's why we need to break loop after a period of time.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023 (memories of Unmesh)

There is too many memories of Unmesh during my work period. I learnt a lot of things from there which impacted my life a lot. There are no hurt feelings at all and i am just sharing some memories. 

It was quite a routine that i had to work in 2 weekend in almost every month. I needed those weekend badly as I was completing my MBA at the same time. If someone asked me "what do you want? A weekend or money", I would definitely say " Weekend". It was 19.07.2018 and was Thursday. I got ready for going to office and had a nice feeling that i would spend a weekend (of course i had classes in the following day). I worked on weekend in the last weekend. So, i was certain about my weekend. I received a call around 8.30 am to come in the head office for some important work. Then I went there with my colleagues. There were some issues about VAT and TAX. And gathering information from server took a lot of time. We started working on it. But after 8/9 pm, it was certain that i was going to work in the next day (weekend). So, I didn't have any option and it was quite okay at some points.then I worked on Friday and it was around 9.30 pm when I left office on that time. And i again reached office around 8.00 am in the next day (saturday). Those were tough 3 days but it was not my hardest days. But it was a day when a certain thing became uncertain. And it is painful when certain thing become uncertain. 

I never neglect my work. Work is not only a way of earning livelihood for me but also a way of showing my passion. Though the situations were tough, I loved my work. :) 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Monday, March 06, 2023 (intolerance)

I can see the increasing intolerant attitude / behavior among people surrounding by me Or within my country. Every tries hard to impose his or her outlook over others. And people have suddenly started trolling others or on a topic. No one needs to know the actual facts and factors. People (most of) never try to figure out actual fact or to analyze any fact. They ( most of) act like they know every thing but they (most of) don't know about basic either. That type of behavior definitely hamper individualism and free speech. In a society, everyone may have different thoughts and it is not necessary to match everyone's thought with majority. Sometimes, majority can be wrong. When Galileo identified earth orbiting the sun, he was the only one who believed in it. So, it doesn't matter what majority think in a society. Majority don't have time to analyze every thing or to use their brain and they are just copy cat. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Saturday, February 11, 2023 (A long time has ended)

Whenever I think about past, I feel that a long period of time in my life has ended. When it was 2016/2017, I didn't feel too much like this. 

I saw (lived) 90s life, 2000, 2010 and 2020. But it doesn't matter at all. Time has it's own speed. There are too many things that i have been. I have seen a completely changing world experience. So, I decide to write down every that i can remember. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday, January 30, 2023 (feeling very happy to see srk after 4 years)

 It was a long wait for me to see srk again in movie. It was the longest break for his career. Honestly I had very less confidence about Pathaan compared to Jawan and Dunki. But Pathaan is very good. The story is average, action and vfx is good (though vfx is poor in some parts) and acting is outstanding. Overall it is a good package. 

It is a record breaking movie for SRK. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 (loneliness is a strength)

Sometimes loneliness is needed to understand what is going on in a fast peace world. We are always busy in our ways and there is very little time to hear own feelings. Only loneliness can give you the time when you can think about you. 

Of course, loneliness without mobile or any other media is needed. 

Whenever I am alone and i have not focused on any specific thing at that time, I can realize myself. Loneliness gives me insights about my life. I can realize my actual needs and desires. There is a mental satisfaction. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday, January 08, 2023 (another new year)

So, 2022 has finally ended. It was an economic disaster year for all over the world. There were wars that stimulate the inflation. 

For me, it was a year of getting a way, spreading skills and knowledge. There are many mistakes and many smart moves. Hopefully I will try to avoid mistakes that i made in 2022.