Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I have visited International Trade Fair with my Wife today. It is first time that I visit there with her. A small traveling may grant a huge set of happiness. Life goes with its own speed. Maybe we are engaged with many activities but we should not ignore about other important matters. Sometimes many habits that I have adopted come to our life after a regular interval. Old habits are replaced by many new habits. It’s human behavior.

What are other important matters??
Habits that don’t change or are not replaced by new habits are other important matter. Basically other important matters are the actual things of life. Things that we don’t want to leave bring real happiness to us.  Those become a part of life.

Being busy is not a bad habit if we maintain all the matter smoothly. The real happiness is found in small segments. Small segment bring small happiness and those small happiness will turn a mega happiness of life for sure. We often sacrifice those segments in order to getting mega thing directly. But things that we got directly may leave us directly. But mega thing is defined variously by each person.

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