Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019 (Competition)

The biggest enemy of everyone’s life is same. One may identify various persons and various things as his/her enemies. But it is not necessary to see everything from our eyes. Sometime, we may feel or realize something which we can’t see from our eyes. Similarly it is also not important to see every enemy from your eyes. Some enemies don’t maybe invisible. The main villain of your life completely hides from us. The villain remains closer but we never recognize it because we believe on what we can see in most of the time

Competition is the main villain of a human life. Human believes that he/she is superior to others. From this concept, we think that life is a race and life is a competition.  

Almost all the conflicts are made because of all competitions. In our society, everyone is engaged in competition with others. Students study to get higher marks than others; businessman does business to earn more than others and more on. 

Reality is that we forget to live and are engaged in competition without thinking too much. If we make a research, we can easily recognize that we live for competition. I don’t know about others but life does not mean competition for me at last. 

Yes!!! Sometime, I make my mind to be competitive but I like to help my opposite more than to make competition. 

Yes!!! Scope is limited everywhere and we need to make competition to get the desirable thing. But winning in a competition is not the ultimate goal. 

I know different persons having different meaning of life. Most of them don’t know what life is or what happiness is. Asking those questions may be silly but most of us don’t answer it for sure. The meaning of life is very deep. People don’t have time to think deep or they don’t want to think deep or they do not want to think. 

Overall, leaving competitive attitude declines conflict and depression for sure. Most importantly, we must recognize our finishing line before starting a race.

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