Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019 (intership defense of MBA)

I have completed all the formal and informal exams of my MBA course. Today I have attended Defense for thesis paper and the journey has ended with this event. As I mentioned in my previous blog that the duration was like the duration of my BBA. 

But the journey was not easy to carry on. There were too much difficulties and struggles. In fact, those struggles made me stronger. Many times, I felt that things were worst. But I was happy to know sun hiding behind the cloud. Someday, the sun would be visible again. 

But I didn't know when I could not tell about struggles and difficulty to my father. There were many things to express but no words are told. I know I am introvert but I should have told those. With every single passing day, I realize that I should have told him. 

By the way, it's just another step in my study life. I know life is a study and it is definitely not the end of the study life. 

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