Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Life is very complicated in my case but every is okay. One of the two scenarios may be  here. Firstly, everything is actually okay but I am just overthinking every single fact. Secondly, everything seems to be okay but somethings are seriously worst in the life.

I think too much negative for myself as I expect less for myself. Expecting less is not my weakness but it is my one of the best quality. Because it gives me satisfaction with every small achievement. Failure is also a reason for me to celebrate due to learning from it.

I feel everything impossible when I see back. Because a single distraction may have changed my present greatly. I see everything nebulous when I see forward. I never see a clear image about my future because known fact never happens in the life. There are too much uncertainties for the certain events.

At the end of the day, uncertainty seems better and it surprises me. I always prefer uncertainty and surprises from life. 

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