Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020 (Durning the days of Quarantine, part-6)

I know the unlimited supply of any thing destroys the demand of that thing. Therefore, the value of that thing becomes zero. Even though it is necessary for life, we don’t care about it. We need Oxygen to live but we never care about it due to unlimited supply. 

There is unlimited time now  and i don’t know about it’s ending point. I try to use it in a proper way. But maintaining routine is very difficult now. At the same time, i miss those days when i could go to any place as i wanted. I could not move without fear for 2 months. No one wants restricted life. In fact, freedom is the ultimate goal for many persons.  

The sky is big and it is definitely bigger than our expectation. It is a long time now and there is a lot of times needed to end it. Day by day, the situation is becoming more crucial. 


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