Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Being alone is not a terrible thing for me. I love to be alone. It doesn't make me realize that it's my weakness. In fact, It is my one of the best strengths. 

When someone comes to me in search of help, I always try to solve his problem without seeing the relationship between us. Helping others is pretty a peaceful thing for me. When I help someone, I get myself satisfaction. As a human, it is our prime duty to help each other. I never have fear to be dominated by the help seekers.

If you donate something, you will not hope something in return of your donation. If you donate something in order to getting something, it's not donation but a deal.

Whenever I am a help seeker, the whole world denies helping me. Maybe I don't know how to convince people for getting a favor. The greatest helper also closes their door for me. If I need a tiny help, people consider it as a huge one. And they forget to shout out it.

Situation like this make me feel alone. And that feel of alone is my actual weakness. A weakness that makes me feel that I am alone in a crowded place. There are many persons but all is unknown to me. I am quite helpless now. :-/

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I have visited International Trade Fair with my Wife today. It is first time that I visit there with her. A small traveling may grant a huge set of happiness. Life goes with its own speed. Maybe we are engaged with many activities but we should not ignore about other important matters. Sometimes many habits that I have adopted come to our life after a regular interval. Old habits are replaced by many new habits. It’s human behavior.

What are other important matters??
Habits that don’t change or are not replaced by new habits are other important matter. Basically other important matters are the actual things of life. Things that we don’t want to leave bring real happiness to us.  Those become a part of life.

Being busy is not a bad habit if we maintain all the matter smoothly. The real happiness is found in small segments. Small segment bring small happiness and those small happiness will turn a mega happiness of life for sure. We often sacrifice those segments in order to getting mega thing directly. But things that we got directly may leave us directly. But mega thing is defined variously by each person.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sunday, January 08, 2017

This is life. Everyone has their own definition to describe it. Whenever I meet with new persons, I collect their philosophy about life. Most of us live it in hopes of getting a better future. Getting a better future means only earning money for most of them. So, the summery of life that I got from different people is to earn money. Actual meaning of life becomes something that I never consider. Money may allow us to fulfill our need but demand, needs and wants do not ensure peace. Those are able us to satisfy our tangible things. But real peace can not be brought by money. 

People invest (sacrifice) today in order to getting a better future. 

I have also invested but it is not my prime goal of life. Earning money must not be the prime goal of a person but most of us make it the prime goal. 

 I have been searching the prime goal of life. I got many ideas but none of those convinced me to adopt it. And who am I ?? I am the collector of their definitions.

Friday, January 07, 2017 (A Life changing experience)

I registered my Facebook account on that day in 2010. I had always a desire to explore a step more than what I had already explored. To fulfill the desire, I started the journey of Facebook where I could say everything easy. I was interested to make foreign friends in the initial stage of Facebook life. I would like to know anomalous people, their culture, their culture, their activities and their desires. 

Facebook maybe considered an unnecessary thing for many people but it is a life changing experience for me. I spent more than one of 4th of my life (in last 7 years) with Facebook. 

I talk everything clearly in writing and I am quiet open-minded. If there was no Facebook, all my emotions would end without expressing those. 

I got too many friends. Some of them are casual, some of them are special, and some of them are only for showoff. I never irritate to add anyone. I want to add everyone who is known to me. It allows me to explore more about their life and I try to be honest always.