Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday, July 01, 2019 (Short temper)

Drop by drop water creates an ocean after a course of time.

There are 2 types of people existing in the world.

First one is the person who becomes angry quickly and reacts as soon as possible. People call them short temper. Basically people try to avoid any debate or unfavorable saying with them because they may brawl on them. The reasons behind short temper are many including power, position, environment, stress, personality, financial problems, level of education, eating habit and more on. Infact, I have to read a book about short temper to better understand the topic ;). Short temper persons don’t think too much but they need scope to temp. There is a weakness of having it that the person releases all his emotions with his words. That means that his anger becomes low even zero after releasing it. They don’t remember anything about their angriness.

Second one is the person who becomes angry but don’t react very soon. They think and rethink before reacting in an incident. Sometimes they become very angry without any reaction. Basically they consider two things. At first, it is not right time to react. They seek right opportunity to give the proper answer. Secondly, they are inspired by those. They remember those things and take effective measures to avoid future incidents. They will react on right time with right sample.

Basically I respect both of them. Our society has both personalities. But number of short tempers has much more higher than number of cool tempered persons. Everyone tries to make debate for almost everything without using logic. When I use logic, they indicate social norms. When I point out specific social norm, they start talking about other subjects.

I am the second one who becomes angry but don’t react immediately. I remember everything to give an answer on right time with right manner. People think that I don’t understand anything because I don’t react.

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