Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019 (confused about upcoming events)

It's very common to be confused in my case. It is my trend of behavior. At first, I work hard for accomplishing a specific object. After attaining it, I rethink about it. Is it my real choice or I pretended. But I am very very nervous and I don't feel that nervous even in exam or interview either. There are too many questions and answer is simple. But simple answer is not preferable to me in some cases. I like to leave my comfort zone and to explore more and more. But I am confused today and don't know about tomorrow. 

Is it life or am I just going with wave????? 

But there are a specific group of people who support me by providing information. And information removes confusion in some extent. And I am thankful to this group of people. 

October 2018(most confused expression)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019 (Competition)

The biggest enemy of everyone’s life is same. One may identify various persons and various things as his/her enemies. But it is not necessary to see everything from our eyes. Sometime, we may feel or realize something which we can’t see from our eyes. Similarly it is also not important to see every enemy from your eyes. Some enemies don’t maybe invisible. The main villain of your life completely hides from us. The villain remains closer but we never recognize it because we believe on what we can see in most of the time

Competition is the main villain of a human life. Human believes that he/she is superior to others. From this concept, we think that life is a race and life is a competition.  

Almost all the conflicts are made because of all competitions. In our society, everyone is engaged in competition with others. Students study to get higher marks than others; businessman does business to earn more than others and more on. 

Reality is that we forget to live and are engaged in competition without thinking too much. If we make a research, we can easily recognize that we live for competition. I don’t know about others but life does not mean competition for me at last. 

Yes!!! Sometime, I make my mind to be competitive but I like to help my opposite more than to make competition. 

Yes!!! Scope is limited everywhere and we need to make competition to get the desirable thing. But winning in a competition is not the ultimate goal. 

I know different persons having different meaning of life. Most of them don’t know what life is or what happiness is. Asking those questions may be silly but most of us don’t answer it for sure. The meaning of life is very deep. People don’t have time to think deep or they don’t want to think deep or they do not want to think. 

Overall, leaving competitive attitude declines conflict and depression for sure. Most importantly, we must recognize our finishing line before starting a race.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (successful attempt and unsuccessful attempt)

All the attempts are not necessarily successful in the life. Some are successful and some are unsuccessful. We need both in order to making a balance in the society. Because one's successful attempt leads to another's unsuccessful attempt. And interrelated attempts must be balanced. For example: if there is a football match between two teams, one's victory means another's loosing. 

Similarly no one remember unsuccessful attempts in the life. Most of us try to forget our unsuccessful attempts in the same time. Some feel insulting to share unsuccessful attempts. Reality is that successful attempts can be forgotten but unsuccessful attempts must be remembered. To analyze the unsuccessful attempts, we find out our weakness which must be reduced. Similarly remembering unsuccessful attempts help us to avoid doing the same mistakes in future.

I often remember some of my successful attempts but I always remember almost all of my unsuccessful attempts in the life. It doesn't make me frustrated but it makes me prepare for future. I love to remember my unsuccessful attempts beacube it realizes me as tiny part of the universe. On the other hand, remaining successful attempts make me arrogant. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019 (After a long time)

I have attended an interview after a long period of time. It is almost 3 years and 2 months. The feeling is like first time but I am no more a fresher. I expect too much low from the performance of the interview. I prepared my mind to except any unfavorable event. But it is not that bad that I assumed it would be. In fact, it is decent if I consider the long gap. I know I did some mistakes and I will be careful about those mistakes in future. After all, it is life and we must learn from mistakes. Similarly we need to identify our weakness to overcome it rather than to be frustrated ourselves. I have recognized my few mistakes as well as weakness. 

The most favorite part was that we knew quality of IIUC. I became very emotional when I knew it. After all, I am an IIUCIAN at the end of the day. 

The journey will be longer but continuous improvement will make it easier. In the same time, I took the risk so that it is only my responsibility to improve myself. Overall, I have received every positive thing in my mind and I got areas to improve. J

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Some incidents have forced me to think more deeply about human behavior. I don’t try to show my aggressiveness for an unfavorable situation. I think and make a conclusion immediately. Any step that has taken by me is quite invisible and non-violence. But it is important to speak against it in a formal way.  

Everything goes according to its velocity. Problem will arise when that velocity is crashed with another object’s velocity. In the space, every object orbits the bigger one. When one’s orbiting area is disturbed with another object. There will be a crash for sure. When it happen, both velocity and orbiting area change. Of course, bigger one between those will dominate the area. 

Similarly we have some goals and those are crashed with another one’s. At that stage, it is not impossible to satisfy both persons. People always try to dominate each other everywhere. It is one of the most visible characteristics of human being. Not only human being but also all living being try to dominate others. Almost every employee wants to dominate in an office; both try to dominate in between a couple. Domination indicates that you are superior to others. To show power and impotency, people try to dominate each other.

I don’t have any issue about someone’s dominating behavior. If he is happy to dominate others, it is good for him. But I have issues about their unethical means of creating domination. 

It is not possible to remove unethical means of creating domination because most of the people ultimate goal is to dominate others. We need money or people’s support. But why do we need power?

One needs money to show the financial power for dominating others. Similar reason exists for people’s support also.  

Every nation, every community, every person want power and that trend will exist until we exist. So, the game of dominating will never end and it is the most favorite game of all living being forever.