Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wednesday, December 25, 2019 (Another year passed)

It's 25th December and my birthday. Another year passed. 

But the last birthday was very important in the first place. Everything was dark from the beginning. Nothing was in my favor. 

But I didn't get frustrated. There were many events where I was near to get frustrated. Every time I controlled myself and tried to improve myself rather than to blame others. The next way is definitely harder. 

Similarly I got opportunity to become a full time student again which was definitely a dream. 

Another year passed and another year is over from my whole life today. I don't have much things to describe today. :) 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Life is very complicated in my case but every is okay. One of the two scenarios may be  here. Firstly, everything is actually okay but I am just overthinking every single fact. Secondly, everything seems to be okay but somethings are seriously worst in the life.

I think too much negative for myself as I expect less for myself. Expecting less is not my weakness but it is my one of the best quality. Because it gives me satisfaction with every small achievement. Failure is also a reason for me to celebrate due to learning from it.

I feel everything impossible when I see back. Because a single distraction may have changed my present greatly. I see everything nebulous when I see forward. I never see a clear image about my future because known fact never happens in the life. There are too much uncertainties for the certain events.

At the end of the day, uncertainty seems better and it surprises me. I always prefer uncertainty and surprises from life. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019 (intership defense of MBA)

I have completed all the formal and informal exams of my MBA course. Today I have attended Defense for thesis paper and the journey has ended with this event. As I mentioned in my previous blog that the duration was like the duration of my BBA. 

But the journey was not easy to carry on. There were too much difficulties and struggles. In fact, those struggles made me stronger. Many times, I felt that things were worst. But I was happy to know sun hiding behind the cloud. Someday, the sun would be visible again. 

But I didn't know when I could not tell about struggles and difficulty to my father. There were many things to express but no words are told. I know I am introvert but I should have told those. With every single passing day, I realize that I should have told him. 

By the way, it's just another step in my study life. I know life is a study and it is definitely not the end of the study life. 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 06, 2019 (Time and Life)

I thought last day that the day would be big and relaxing. I got up at 10.00 Am and got ready to accomplish some tasks. I left home at 12.00 pm and hoped to return before 3.00 pm. But I reached home at 5.20 pm. The day is almost over in the blink of an eye. At the ending moment, I am thinking what I have done today. The answer is nothing significant. 

In case of life, the same role is applicable. When we realize about life, the half of life is over. Because school, college and university life end quickly than our expectation. Then we focus on career and are busy with achieving goals. After then, we realize the life is almost at the end and we did nothing is in life. For most of the cases, things like this happen.