Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wednesday, December 25, 2019 (Another year passed)

It's 25th December and my birthday. Another year passed. 

But the last birthday was very important in the first place. Everything was dark from the beginning. Nothing was in my favor. 

But I didn't get frustrated. There were many events where I was near to get frustrated. Every time I controlled myself and tried to improve myself rather than to blame others. The next way is definitely harder. 

Similarly I got opportunity to become a full time student again which was definitely a dream. 

Another year passed and another year is over from my whole life today. I don't have much things to describe today. :) 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Life is very complicated in my case but every is okay. One of the two scenarios may be  here. Firstly, everything is actually okay but I am just overthinking every single fact. Secondly, everything seems to be okay but somethings are seriously worst in the life.

I think too much negative for myself as I expect less for myself. Expecting less is not my weakness but it is my one of the best quality. Because it gives me satisfaction with every small achievement. Failure is also a reason for me to celebrate due to learning from it.

I feel everything impossible when I see back. Because a single distraction may have changed my present greatly. I see everything nebulous when I see forward. I never see a clear image about my future because known fact never happens in the life. There are too much uncertainties for the certain events.

At the end of the day, uncertainty seems better and it surprises me. I always prefer uncertainty and surprises from life. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019 (intership defense of MBA)

I have completed all the formal and informal exams of my MBA course. Today I have attended Defense for thesis paper and the journey has ended with this event. As I mentioned in my previous blog that the duration was like the duration of my BBA. 

But the journey was not easy to carry on. There were too much difficulties and struggles. In fact, those struggles made me stronger. Many times, I felt that things were worst. But I was happy to know sun hiding behind the cloud. Someday, the sun would be visible again. 

But I didn't know when I could not tell about struggles and difficulty to my father. There were many things to express but no words are told. I know I am introvert but I should have told those. With every single passing day, I realize that I should have told him. 

By the way, it's just another step in my study life. I know life is a study and it is definitely not the end of the study life. 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 06, 2019 (Time and Life)

I thought last day that the day would be big and relaxing. I got up at 10.00 Am and got ready to accomplish some tasks. I left home at 12.00 pm and hoped to return before 3.00 pm. But I reached home at 5.20 pm. The day is almost over in the blink of an eye. At the ending moment, I am thinking what I have done today. The answer is nothing significant. 

In case of life, the same role is applicable. When we realize about life, the half of life is over. Because school, college and university life end quickly than our expectation. Then we focus on career and are busy with achieving goals. After then, we realize the life is almost at the end and we did nothing is in life. For most of the cases, things like this happen.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019 (A Friday)

The value of a normal event is not recognized by people until the normal event becomes rare. People never care about things which are easily available. The biggest examples are that we need oxygen, Sunlight, rain and  more on to survive. But we never recognize it as a value thing.

Once I  didn't recognize the value of a Friday (weekend). It was quite common event and one kind of careless event for me. But I realized it's actual value after a while. When I didn't have scope to spend weekend, I realized the value of that day.

Right now, my outlook about a Friday changes and I know the importance of a Friday. Money or position does not bring happiness. Happiness hides in every nano particle in the universe. We can't easily see it as our expectation is something else. We just need to focus on it rather than to focus on other things.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 (History repeats)

History repeats that is a common occurrence in the history. There is nothing special about it. But learning from the repetition is the key to control the result in some extent.

I joined OnnoRokom Group in August-16. Then I received a call from Bank Asia for Viva (ARO post) which written exam was done in July-16. I didn't attend the interview at that time. Similar event happens now too. I joined Duronto TV, Bank Asia has called me for the viva of same position. I have not attended it now either.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 (starting every from the beginning)

It's more than 10 months now that I am not in actual work. But the long boring break is over today. I have joined Duronto TV in Accounts department today after having one written exam (on 01.11.19) and 3 vivas (5.11.19, 12.11.19, 15.11.19). 

Life is not tolerable for me without any form of goal. To make an ultimate goal, working is the prime source.

Though I have started everything from the beginning, I don't feel unsatisfied. Because I don't have fear to repeat an event. Repeating an event will make it more perfect sometimes with correcting the mistakes.

If I am honest and focused on my path, the magic will happen again. But patient is needed in order to making it own joy. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sometimes things go wrong and sometimes things go worse. But things go epic wrong for me today. Well, I am little disappointed and frustrated.  It is wrong to say little disappointed and frustrated. I am heavily disappointed and frustrated. May be things could be better if I follow logical path or real way.

And it is quite impossible to take revenge because it is quite impossible to take revenge with myself.
At the same time, I have tried to figure out my mistakes and to get the proper answer of the question.

I am disappointed and frustrated and I always try to ask “why” and to figure out the reasons. Most of the persons may not ask “why”. Those who ask “why”, rarely figure out the reasons. 

But I analyze facts and factors to find out the solution.  I believe “whenever there is a solution, the solution is nearby”. I know I can not alter the past but I can prepare myself to avoid making same mistakes again and again. Future is unpredictable but we should evaluate, analyze and estimate  it to reduce unpredictable range.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

Confusion must be removed. Otherwise, there will be lack of focusing and lack of focusing must affect the present life.

I feel guilty today to break my commitment due to confusion. Working with confusion is nothing but a sure shot suicide.

There must be incidents like this in the life because it realizes us to explore life more and more. I know life is not an easy game to play. Most of us are defensive as we have many things to loose.

I don't have any problem to work. I appropriate any type of works but I can't change the outlook of the society. Yes! It will change but take a longer time. And I speak for the right in many incidents. I never compromise my pride while taking a decision. It is the reason behind the confusion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 (confused)

Everything seems okay but mind and heart don't suggest it. Because there is a confusion. The confusion is very complicated and very hard to get a simple answer. Often things like this happen but solution is a complex set.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, October 07, 2019

I watch a lot of movies every year and Most of them are Hindi movies. A few days ago, I watched Kabir Singh.
Some movies are good, some movies are bad but few movies are connected with brain. I feel that Kabir Singh is one of them for me. I watched it more than 5 times but I am still able to watch it again. The soul of the movie is that the characters and their combination. Stories like this are many but extra ordinary performance by leading actor makes it extra ordinary.
Similarly, there is a philosophy that life is about second chance. If there is a second chance, we must go for it in case of ultimate goal. It does not matter how the way is.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019 (confused about upcoming events)

It's very common to be confused in my case. It is my trend of behavior. At first, I work hard for accomplishing a specific object. After attaining it, I rethink about it. Is it my real choice or I pretended. But I am very very nervous and I don't feel that nervous even in exam or interview either. There are too many questions and answer is simple. But simple answer is not preferable to me in some cases. I like to leave my comfort zone and to explore more and more. But I am confused today and don't know about tomorrow. 

Is it life or am I just going with wave????? 

But there are a specific group of people who support me by providing information. And information removes confusion in some extent. And I am thankful to this group of people. 

October 2018(most confused expression)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019 (Competition)

The biggest enemy of everyone’s life is same. One may identify various persons and various things as his/her enemies. But it is not necessary to see everything from our eyes. Sometime, we may feel or realize something which we can’t see from our eyes. Similarly it is also not important to see every enemy from your eyes. Some enemies don’t maybe invisible. The main villain of your life completely hides from us. The villain remains closer but we never recognize it because we believe on what we can see in most of the time

Competition is the main villain of a human life. Human believes that he/she is superior to others. From this concept, we think that life is a race and life is a competition.  

Almost all the conflicts are made because of all competitions. In our society, everyone is engaged in competition with others. Students study to get higher marks than others; businessman does business to earn more than others and more on. 

Reality is that we forget to live and are engaged in competition without thinking too much. If we make a research, we can easily recognize that we live for competition. I don’t know about others but life does not mean competition for me at last. 

Yes!!! Sometime, I make my mind to be competitive but I like to help my opposite more than to make competition. 

Yes!!! Scope is limited everywhere and we need to make competition to get the desirable thing. But winning in a competition is not the ultimate goal. 

I know different persons having different meaning of life. Most of them don’t know what life is or what happiness is. Asking those questions may be silly but most of us don’t answer it for sure. The meaning of life is very deep. People don’t have time to think deep or they don’t want to think deep or they do not want to think. 

Overall, leaving competitive attitude declines conflict and depression for sure. Most importantly, we must recognize our finishing line before starting a race.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (successful attempt and unsuccessful attempt)

All the attempts are not necessarily successful in the life. Some are successful and some are unsuccessful. We need both in order to making a balance in the society. Because one's successful attempt leads to another's unsuccessful attempt. And interrelated attempts must be balanced. For example: if there is a football match between two teams, one's victory means another's loosing. 

Similarly no one remember unsuccessful attempts in the life. Most of us try to forget our unsuccessful attempts in the same time. Some feel insulting to share unsuccessful attempts. Reality is that successful attempts can be forgotten but unsuccessful attempts must be remembered. To analyze the unsuccessful attempts, we find out our weakness which must be reduced. Similarly remembering unsuccessful attempts help us to avoid doing the same mistakes in future.

I often remember some of my successful attempts but I always remember almost all of my unsuccessful attempts in the life. It doesn't make me frustrated but it makes me prepare for future. I love to remember my unsuccessful attempts beacube it realizes me as tiny part of the universe. On the other hand, remaining successful attempts make me arrogant. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019 (After a long time)

I have attended an interview after a long period of time. It is almost 3 years and 2 months. The feeling is like first time but I am no more a fresher. I expect too much low from the performance of the interview. I prepared my mind to except any unfavorable event. But it is not that bad that I assumed it would be. In fact, it is decent if I consider the long gap. I know I did some mistakes and I will be careful about those mistakes in future. After all, it is life and we must learn from mistakes. Similarly we need to identify our weakness to overcome it rather than to be frustrated ourselves. I have recognized my few mistakes as well as weakness. 

The most favorite part was that we knew quality of IIUC. I became very emotional when I knew it. After all, I am an IIUCIAN at the end of the day. 

The journey will be longer but continuous improvement will make it easier. In the same time, I took the risk so that it is only my responsibility to improve myself. Overall, I have received every positive thing in my mind and I got areas to improve. J